I just bought tuning pack for ETS2 MP and want to know if there is possibility to remove that green lights from the truck and switch to regular truck lights (xenon and etc.)?
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Unknown member
18. März 2021
No its not possible because we concentrate our Energy for the 1.40 Version. But i already fix the Problem. With the next update all Vehicles have the LED Lights.
So stay tuned ^_-
Unknown member
17. März 2021
Hi Dustin,
Thanks for answer, any chances to do the same in 1.39 version? Because when I LED or Xenon my truck lights still is green.
Unknown member
17. März 2021
Hello Andrius, yes we can try to remove the green lights. I think that's possible to change the Normallights into LED or Xenon. The fix come than with the update to 1.40
No its not possible because we concentrate our Energy for the 1.40 Version. But i already fix the Problem. With the next update all Vehicles have the LED Lights.
So stay tuned ^_-
Hi Dustin,
Thanks for answer, any chances to do the same in 1.39 version? Because when I LED or Xenon my truck lights still is green.
Hello Andrius, yes we can try to remove the green lights. I think that's possible to change the Normallights into LED or Xenon. The fix come than with the update to 1.40